Tuesday, November 9, 2010


  There are a set of rules in economics that you just have to accept and there just is not any way to go around those rules. We can all wish that we could grow the economy without growing into debt. But its just not going to happen. We could try to be an export driven economy in order to boost economic growth. But it simply means we are suppressing wages or making it very difficult for consumers to enjoy imports to try to create economic growth on the balance sheet. But all we are doing is suppressing urges and forcing people to hold back and trying to create the feeling of progress if only in numbers and on paper.

 Historically, the economy was a very organic and natural thing. Like natural diamonds, or natural oranges, or natural apples. But when have know what it is that causes the economy to act. Then why wait for things to naturally play out, when you have the answers right there in front of you. 

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