When you suspend military spending. That has negative consequences for the economy. To put it plainly, GDP is simply the sum of a variety of factors.
GDP= Government Spending + Private consumption + Gross Investment + (Exports minus Imports)
Government spending = Military spending + Social spending.
Thus GDP is Military spending + Social spending + Private consumption + Gross Investment + (Exports minus Imports)
As a result, a reduction in military spending will have serious negative consequences for the economy. Economic growth depends heavily on military research and military output.
To understand how economic growth depends on the military without using odd looking equations. Try to understand it intuitively. If you work as a soldier or as a professor being assigned to do military research. You would certainly not want to see the government downsize your department. It would negatively effect you, your family and even your community. Without having that government job designing and manufacturing SSBNs, your ability to make mortgage payments decline. The amount of money you normally spend on eating out, or buying trinkets for your family also declines. It has a serious domino effect.
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