Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fiat money and faith

  Foreign currency reserves are a hoax. Real wealth are the physical goods and services that labor produces. Not the paper currency that central banks issue to finance such efforts. It is still a mystery to me why the People's Bank of China is so insistent of collecting foreign currency reserves. China's mercantilism is quite interesting given that China does not collect specie, but is instead collecting paper and treasury bonds. Below is an interesting story about dolphins learning how to save from their trainers. Not very different to how people treat paper currency today.

Dolphins at the center are trained to retrieve trash that has mistakenly fallen in to their pools. Upon seeing a nearby trainer, they are to take said trash to the trainer. In return, they receive a fish for their cleanliness. However it seems that Kelly has found a loophole in the system, and is exploiting it to interesting ends. She hoards her trash, underneath a rock at the bottom of her pool, and when she sees a trainer she goes down and removes a piece of paper or trash to get her fish. However she won’t use all her paper at once, instead she holds on to them for the future. It is an interesting behavior, considering that it is very much like humans

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